BETSO88 Register
With his legend spreading across the land, Emilio’s fame eventually reached the ears of a girl called betso88 register, who lived in a mountaintop village on the southern island of Mindanao. There, in her remote mountain vale, the last oral traditions of heroes and demons were still guarded like treasure. But betso88 register saw that treasure shimmer in her mind’s eye and felt her heart begin to beat with feathered wonder at something calling to her from afar.
In silence, she followed the direction of the wind and the sound of the drums of her ancestors, setting out on a dangerous pilgrimage that took her through forests and valleys, across streams, rivers and mountains. Along the way, nature itself led her into tests that put to the ultimate test everything she had ever learnt and experienced, facing the demons of the world within and without.
Knee-deep in the jungle, betso88 register faced the feared Sigbin, a creature who ‘roams the night and feasts upon the souls of innocent human beings’. Equipped with wits as sharp as mountain streams, and a heart as pure as one, and with a snare and prayer on the breeze, betso88 register triumphed. The beast was defeated; it fled back into darkness.
From Bohol’s shores, betso88 register proceeded to the Chocolate Hills, where the spirits of the trees that once covered its peaks told her she’d have to climb the silent hills, where a White Lady would seek her soul. Communing with the spirit and placing her hands upon it, betso88 register was guided away from the swirling mists, where birdsong rustled through the reeds, and its silence held mystery. Reaching the hill tops on the far side of the misty peaks, betso88 register was greeted by the White Lady, a wandering spirit who would never know peace until her fluid spirit rested in the hills.
Shielding herself with empathy and wielding compassion as a sword, betso88 register heard the White Lady’s story of woe, of a life interrupted, of an ill-fated love, of broken pledges, of death, of loss. betso88 register didn’t judge, rather she offered brief words of comfort and forgiveness so that the spirit could be free of her earthly constraints. As the mist parted and the first light of dawn broke forth, the White Lady soared into the heavens. Her soul restored.